Do you find it difficult to display all the things you’d like to for your many classes? Try using your interactive whiteboard or projector as a dynamic display for each of your classes. Create a desktop-sized graphic that can be projected on the screen, easily replaced for the changing circumstances of your individual classes. You could use this space to display the day’s learning goals, a concept map for the unit, essential questions, instructions for stations, or even just the plan for the day.
This is really helpful if you have students who:
- like to know the whole plan
- need reminders of what to do
- find it difficult remembering a series of instructions
- get distracted and go off on tangents
- need help zeroing in on the learning objective
It also makes it clear and straightforward when you need to refocus a group of students who have gotten sidetracked. (And if your students are great inquirers, this is a common problem!)
How many of you use your interactive whiteboard or projector to visualize the day’s lessons? How else do you use it in your daily plans?